Serving suggestions

Favourite servings - the Yockenthwaite way

Copyright Faydit Photography Yok IV 2021 LR1-0865

Brighten your breakfast

Serve just on its own with ice cold milk; simple & easy! Enjoy our granola sprinkled on rich creamy yoghurt with fruit or fruit compote; add a spoonful on your regular cereal for that extra tasty crunch! Or why not mix it in your breakfast smoothie.

Pep up your porridge

Delicious addition to a steaming bowl of porridge; we love it partnered with hot spicy fruit compote; you just need a little to make a big difference!

Delight your dessert

Serve in a tall glass with alternating layers of greek style yoghurt and fruit. Try it sprinkled on baked peaches and ice cream, then drizzle with cream; adds a lovely biscuity texture to your Banana Split!

Add crunch to your crumble

A topping for your fruit crumble; add just before it comes out of the oven. Or serve straight over hot or cold stewed fruit with custard, pouring cream or even yoghurt.

A power pack snack

Just a handful will help keep you going....when you need that energy boost...between the end of the race...fuelled by Yockenthwaite Granola!

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